Day 1: ViSTA-TV @IBC2013

The IBC2013 exhibition officially started today and ViSTA-TV booth (Future Zone, 8.G39) attracted quite a lot of interest. The curious visitors came by to learn about the tools we have developed.

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We had visits from companies like ESPN, Ericsson and Cisco who are looking to solve similar problems and hence interested in our solutions and possible collaborations. ViSTA-TV was of particular interest to broadcasters, cable TV providers, program metadata providers and researchers.

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We thank everyone who stopped by for your valuable feedback and informative discussions. We look forward to hearing from you in the near future. See you tomorrow!

About Lora Aroyo

I am is an associate professor Intelligent Information Systems, at the Web and Media Group, Department of Computer Science, VU University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. I am also a scientific coordinator of the EU Integrated Project: NoTube: Integration of Web and TV Data with the Help of Semantics, Go to my web page for more details:
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